Our Services

Permanent Staffing

We partner with our clients to provide a transparent, high quality recruitment service that delivers results.

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Contract Staffing

We know! You need a contractor to start with temporary hiring So we provide a quality labour-hire and contract recruitment service.

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Broadgate Quarter - UK
5 -10 Years
Bachelor’s degree Plus Fluent German language
Accounts, revenue generation
TC - 425
No. of Post :- 1

Broadgate Quarter - UK
5 Years
Bachelor’s degree plus FPC or CPP certifcation
ADP Celergo, ADP eTime,
TC - 423
No. of Post :- 1

Portsmouth - United Kingdom
10 - 12 Years
Qualified accountant (ACCA/ACA)
Finance Management, Accounts, Business Planning,
BC - 721
No. of Post :- 1

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